Thank you

for contributing to our worship as a church family :-)

Filming at Home

If you have been asked to record a video, here are a few tips to get the best end result:

  1. Choose a quiet, well lit space for filming. The light should be in front of you so that your face is well lit - ideally have the window behind the camera. Make sure there isn’t a significant light source behind you (such as a window or lamp or the sun!) which would make your face dark. If you can, record during the day rather than evening as the light will be better.

  2. Set a phone / tablet / camera or computer to record your video in landscape (not portrait). Position your device so the camera is at eye height, and close enough that there is a clear shot of your face and shoulders without zooming in. To reduce camera shake, find a sturdy position for your device/camera rather than you or someone else hold it. An upside-down paper cup with a slit across the top can make a remarkably good phone tripod (or if you have a tripod to hand, please use it!)

  3. Remember to smile and look straight into the camera as you record :-) Try to glance at any words or notes as little as possible.

    • If you need to look at notes or are recording a reading, find some way to attach these as close to the camera as possible (or have someone hold them for you). You might want to print the words/notes out in a large font size, or have them up on a second device (in which case turn down the brightness to avoid screen glare reflecting on your face or glasses).

    • If you are reading from the Bible, an alternative is to be holding your Bible in your hands so that it can actually be seen on camera, and you can then easily glance down to it when needed.

After reviewing your video, click the link below to upload. Please add your name and a video title as the file name if you are able.

IMPORTANT: By uploading this video you are indicating consent for Christ Church Roxeth to use this video of you or your child(ren) for use in our services (both online and in the building) and/or for promotional purposes. These images or recordings may appear on online broadcasts, social media accounts, on our website, in printed publications or be displayed in our building. Please note that websites and social media can be seen throughout the world and not just in the United Kingdom, where UK law applies.
The original images and videos will be stored securely and eventually deleted from our archives. For more information on our privacy policy visit

If you have any problems recording or uploading your video, please contact Alan Dempster or Simon Durrant