“releasing extraordinary communities of young people in South Harrow”
Our Activities for Young People
Things to check out
Here’s a few things we put together for young people and parents
CCR Worship!
This is a link to a playlist on spotify. It’s full of songs that we sing at CCR, songs that we sing at the Gathering and other songs that we enjoy.
The Bible can be pretty complicated right? It’s full of really great things, but it can also throw a curveball every so often and it can be really hard to know what to do with that.
If the above statement struck a chord of agreement with you then I have a show for you!
Well The Bible for Normal People is a show hosted by Peter Enns and Jared Byas and they do their best to look at EVERYTHING that the Bible has to offer. What makes it better is that they talk about things at a normal level. Experts are brought in on different topics to help explore the themes, stories and discussions and they have a lot of fun and present a balanced view of how to accurately explore the biblical story.
Andy’s a pretty big reader.
Coming soon to this space will be Andy’s book list that will contain all things related to ideas, ways to understand God and will be all completely accessible to you!
Watch this space..!
We Are Tearfund believe a better world is possible and they won’t stop until it happens!
Join them for fortnightly conversations as they explore how to live out God’s call to pursue justice and put an end to extreme poverty.
Pilgrimage Podcast is a podcast from Joshua Luke Smith, a spoken word artist from Bath. For the curious, creative and contemplative soul.
This podcast is full of stories from the everyday and how all of our experiences can bring us closer to God and more aware of how he works in our lives.
Most episodes last less than an hour, perfect for your commute to school/work!
Ever thought about Spoken Word Poetry and Creativity?
Levi is a human based out of Albuquerque, New Mexico. He writes blog posts and poems about some major things in the life of a Christian. His poem, Joyseekers, is a great one for the Easter season!
The Bible Project are some of the coolest people out there!
They make youtube videos about Jesus and the Bible.
We love these guys.
They have also just launched a new eleven-week Bible study to help youth groups, parents and young people and anyone interested. A great resource to follow at home perhaps?
Summer 2024!
Royal Bath & West Showground in Shepton Mallet
Satellites is a youth festival organised by Youthscape! It is a few days of fellowship, camping, exploring God and making loads of new friends. There’s a lot of different seminars, places to eat, games and activities and non stop fun.
We’ll be joining with a group from 1CH (St Peter’s Church West Harrow & St Paul’s South Harrow). There should be a group of about 40 of us. Follow the buttons below to the run down from Youthscape and our sign up form!
One generation will commend your works to another; they will tell of your mighty acts.
Psalm 145:4
Meet our team
Hi, I’m Andy and I’m the Youth Worker at CCR. I’m originally from Belfast, Northern Ireland and I joined the church in April 2021.
Sunday mornings, you can find me in the lab (back of the church building beside the lounge!). There I will be hanging out with our church young people teaching them about Jesus and tackling some of their big questions about life, faith and everything in between. Sometimes I’ll even be at front of church doing some teaching or interviews with different members of our congregation.
In my spare time I enjoy reading, music, films, video games, sports and coffee tours around London.
Carol Sormaz
Hi, I'm Carol and I'm the Head of Children, Youth & Families Ministry at CCR. I've been part of the Church since 2012 and in this post since Spring 2019.
Most Sunday mornings you can find me at the front of church with a worship streamer or making up actions to some of the worship songs with the children. Otherwise I'm playing games, teaching or praying with the children or young people in their Sunday Morning Groups or at the Grange Farm Community Centre at our Kids Club, normally surrounded by felt tip pens and lots of craft paper!
I enjoy countryside walks but also exploring hidden corners of London, baking (trying to discover a calorie free chocolate cake recipe) and a really good boogie!
Our Aims
young people to make great life decisions that strengthen relationships, build resilience & ensure their voices are heard.
young people in the discovery and journey of life and faith in Jesus Christ.
the parish, its schools and the local church to be safe, positive and transformational contexts to grow up in.
Our Youth Work Operates to the high standards and values set out by the Diocese of London's Child Protection Policy.